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My Y Story - Miami County YMCA

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Tell Us Your Y Story!
Our stories have the power to unite and inspire.

Some of the lessons learned at the YMCA are obvious: how to swim, how to get in shape, and how to share. However, the YMCA also likely helped you develop confidence in unfamiliar environments or situations. Reflect on how the YMCA has impacted your life. It could be the influence of a specific program or staff member or the difference the Y has made in our community. If the Y has helped you or your family to build confidence and achieve goals, or if it is your "happy place," we would love to hear about it and be able to share your story with others!

Here are a few ideas to help get you started:
"My favorite memory of the Y is..."
"Being part of the Y makes me/my family feel..."
"The Y changed my/our life by..."

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